Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Soft Paws ...

A client at my new job told me about this website to go to in lieu of having C-Rex declawed. M would kill me if I did that. To quote him: "Cut his balls off, sure. But please, please, please don't declaw him. That's so mean."

Anyway, my client told me about Soft Paws, a website that sells vinyl--for lack of a better description--Lee Press-on Nails for cats! If the whole idea isn't funny enough (although it is brilliant), you can get the nails in a variety of fashionable colors.

To think, C-Rex, named after one of the most ferocious dinosaurs to ever walk the planet (and appropriately named after witnessing him in his attack mode), will soon be sporting nails that would make a drag queen envious.

I'm getting a little too joy out of the idea though. Sure, I'll probably have to wear a protective steel mesh shark suit in order to get the nails on, but at least my furniture will be safe. I just hope this isn't leading me down the path where one day neighbors on the street will secretly refer to me as "the guy who likes to dress up his cat".

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