It's been 9 months since posting on here and, looking back on my last couple of entries, it seems like a lifetime...
Please ignore the last 2 postings. That relationship is over.
We're trying to remain friends...
It's hard...
Trust is a terrible thing to lose, but when it's taken away, it's like removing one's spine and you're left with nowhere to turn without falling completely in on yourself.
The walls were up before this past relationship and the walls will go back up again. It's so much easier to keep people at bay than it is to wear your heart on your sleeve and jump into a scolding hot copper pot filled with mistrust and betrayal like ingredients to a bad stew.
The last eight months were not as bad as that last paragraph may have lead. It was just a one-sided relationship and apparently I was on the wrong side.
Who knows if I'll ever meet someone again. I never really thought I'd meet this person and I did. I still remember that very first meeting like it was yesterday. I played hard to get that night.
I sometimes wish I had only played harder...
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