Thursday, December 01, 2005

Wendy Jo Sperber ...

I just read that Wendy Jo Sperber, best known as Amy in the hit sitcom (of the time) Bosom Buddies, has died after an eight year battle with breast cancer. It's always sad to hear about the people you've come to love (or at least grow fond of) from television or movies, especially when they're your age. One of the best things I've seen her in (and it may have even been her first role in a major movie) was the lovestruck teenager in the movie 1941 with John Belushi. I think I'm gonna have to hop on Netflix and get that film to watch again. The swing dance number she performed in that movie just showed the energy that woman had, despite a weight problem.

Do you have your own Wendy memory from tv or film? Let me know! In the meantime, you will be missed, wendy.


Jennifer said...

I loved her!!!

Darin said...

I shall miss Wendy. I loved her..LOVED her. Ugh. It's always the great ones.