Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Winter Wonderland (Update) ...

Even though the local media put the fear of the Snow Miser in the hearts and minds of its viewers, causing them to stay at home instead of heading out for some Christmas shopping, the expected snowfall was a complete dud. The storm moved out to sea south of the city, bringing us only a coating of the white stuff. I was stuck at work with no one to talk to and missed out on a few drinks with the Mistress, but at least I didn't miss out on the expected funfilled snowy night out on the town as I feared. Maybe next time ...


Jennifer said...

No worries - just like the storm - the evening was weak.
It wasn't meant to be since you were not around!

circleinasquare said...

I hope the winter wonderland holds off 'till I can locate one of the six or eight scraper brushes, which are around here.