Friday, April 15, 2005

Get Some Better Material....Girl!!!

Okay... Just a rant here, but these are the kinds of things that really piss me off.

I was bored at work today (unlike any other day when I'm sooooooo full of pep and willing to break out into Kumba-Ya whenever I sell a piece of art) when I hopped on-line and a link to popped up on my screen. I was actually thinking about checking this site out for awhile after several people swore by it.

So, here I am, piddlin' the day away while going through item after item after item, scrolling through endless pictures of crap I had no need for, when I suddenly saw something that caught my eye. You was nothing big, but I thought it might make a nice gift since a friend of mine had been looking for these very things (I have a feeling Mike and Ozzie are going to give me a bunch of shit for this, but oh well).

I found a nice set of bath towels.

It was nice to see that also provides information where users can rate their product. Since you never really know what you're getting until it arrives at your doorstep, it's good to read what others thought of the product you're viewing. And towels are a very personal least to me. I mean, I've had towels that felt like you'd have more comfort rubbing your back along a cinderblock wall than having this thing touch your body.

Did you just dry off or were you attacked by a warewolf?...

This thing's about as absorbant as a sheet of bubblewrap...

Anyway, the fact is, it's good to see what others feel and write about before I go ahead and make the decision.

So, I find these towels and I go down to the review section. There are several comments about these particular towels, everything from "these are to die for" to "after one washing, they started falling apart". But there was one in particular that caught my eye and made me want to throw up my General Tso's chicken all across the monitor. I just had to cut n' paste it and bring it into this forum:

Reviewer: Madonna from Hollywood, CA
"These towels just might be your lucky star. They are the plush towels you have been desperately seeking. You will find it easy to jusify your love of these beautiful items and they will satisfy even the pickiest material girl. So get into the groove because these towels are crazy for you!"

Yes, folks, you read right... Not only is there a Madonna wannabe in our midst, but this little fucker has so much time on his hands that he/she/it feels the need to waste a shopper's on-line experience by trying to describe a product using the Material Girl's song titles!!!

I'm sorry... I know this is a little thing to be going off about, but sometimes, when I'm bored at work I get alittle frustrated. When it's slow here, I just can't get into the groove and some things just hit me the wrong way. I can't really talk to people when things are this slow because I've already crossed over that borderline where I'd rather sit at my desk and stew instead of talk to anyone. I'm hoping to get out of this place soon. To find that ray of light that'll guide me towards my new destination. But I'm like a virgin when it comes to change and new experiences. My father once said to me: "Son, you've got to open your heart alittle more. You never know what beautiful stranger you may cross paths with..." I said: "Papa don't preach to me."


That little bit above was low....even for me. But, if it's one thing I've learned about this blogspot it's that it gives you power. The power to...

Come on, dear readers, say it with me

The power to...

express yourself!!

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