Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It Was Bound to Happen ...

Wow... I've gotten a few e-mails (and some nasty verbal comments) from some people who were wondering where I've been. Well, took a vacation. I didn't go anywhere, but wanted to take some time off to try and get some projects done around the house. I also agreed to do a project for my friends, M&O, and what I originally thought would've been a couple days' work turned into FIVE. I layed down a patio in their back yard based on a very intricate pattern conceived by 'M'.

Anyway, I came back to work yesterday (Monday) to a very uneventful day. This morning, however, the inevitable happened. The hard work of laying pavers, hauling bags of sand, fighting off a colony of ants, and hacking away at tree roots came back with a vengeance in the shower. My back went out. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, since my lower back had been tight for nearly a week, but I trudged through the labor, as promised, until the work was complete (or nearly complete, since we still have to find a place to cut cement pavers). Not that I'm complaining (I know 'M' is rolling his eyes right about now). It did keep me busy for most of the week.

I can't wait to see and post the pictures of the finished product. Not to toot my own horn, but it does look great. A very intricate pattern that, to me, looks like a pair of aliens in the old Space Invaders video game (dah... dah...dah... dah... dah... dah... dah... dah.. dah.dah. dahdahdahdahdahdahdahdah).

PS: I don't want to hear any wiseass comments about me in a blue floral print dress either!!!

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