Friday, June 03, 2005

Some Sad News (and I'm PISSED)...

Kinky Quizzo has been cancelled. I don't know if it's permanent or just for the summer, but I went into the Post this past Wednesday night and was told that they were no longer having it. I knew a couple of weeks ago that they were thinking about cancelling (or rather cutting back to once a month for the summer), but then they went ahead and had it anyway and it was a really good crowd that last night.

I find it ironic that this past Wednesday, I stuck around the bar until about quarter to nine and it was pretty much just me and the bartender. I guess word spread fast. Oh well, so much for doing something different and keeping up a good thing.

I hear Hamburger Mary's might be picking up Kinky Quizzo however. I'll keep you informed. I've spent a couple of afternoons hanging out there and am finding myself having a really good time. The staff is friendly, the food and service has gotten much better since the first time I was there way back when they first opened. The Dragonfly Lounge, upstairs, is apparently beginning to draw a nice crowd and they always have a kick-ass happy hour (so I'm told). Plus Thursday night karioke (which I hear is a blast) and a once a month "fabric" party, a hosted event for gay owned and operated businesses throughout the city (I heard the last one drew about 400 people).

I really think I need a little change of pace from the dark, seedy walls that surround me in the Post. Don't get me wrong, I love the place and the people, but it's becoming more evident that they are really hesitant on trying new things to bring some fresh blood into the place. My feelings towards that place as of late are like my feelings towards my refrigerator: I know I really need to clean it out, but maybe if I keep it stocked, I won't really see the mess. Well, as much sense as that makes to my readers, it makes even less sense to me...and yet...somehow it still fits.

Anyway, that's about all on the Post for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're upset....I have to drunk dial 5 ex boyfriends that night just to get some week is made every wednesday night at the Post.
But in defense, business is business and Jimmy let me know he would be in touch as soon as they wanted it back and in the mean time he would lend me out to Hamburger Mary's. I love our open relationship :)
I will be stopping in Mary's this weekend to sell myself and KQ so you will be the first to know. I have so many more themes.....