Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Welcome to Never(gonna get me)Land Ranch...

Yes, as the rest of the world already knows, Michael Jackson is free to fondle pre-teens again. As guilty as the guy is (and I do believe he's guilty), I knew from the very start that the Prosecutors were gonna find one way after another after another to fuck this case up. And, just as in the OJ, Robert Blake and now Mickey J, it just proves that, if you're gonna commit a crime in California, you better have an agent more so than a lawyer.

I was watching Good Morning America this morning and Diane Sawyer was interviewing 6 of the jury members. I can't blame them for their decision. It's tough being a juror and when you're handed a 100 page instructional manual on how to decide your vote, the stress has got to be tremendous. Every charge brought up on The King of Pop was directly related to the little boy in the English documentary. The prosecution fucked up repeatedly in making their case. Whoever told the boy's mother how to dress for her court appearance was the major fuck-up! The jurors interviewed this morning said that, during her police interview, the woman was well-dressed, made up and very respectable looking. During her court appearance however she looked like "Mother Theresa caught in a bad rain storm". They said that she was very intimidating and continuously snapped her fingers at them. The son was the victim in this case, so why would they tell the mother to look like roadkill?

However, when asked if they suspected Michael Jackson of being a child molestor, they all nodded. What does that tell you about the prosecution?

Bottom line: it was just as big a circus as the afternoon of M.J. danced on the roof of a car back at the arraignment.

And so, I hear there's a mass exodus out of California and many families with young boys are scrambling to find housing in other states, far far away from the land of llamas and chimps and toys and rides...

...and Jesus Juice...

1 comment:

sarah said...

i was rocking out to 'dirty diana' on my way home from work today. and i was like, 'wow, i'm digging a child molester's music. wonder what that says about me.' cause i know he's 'innocent', but come on, you don't get that many accusations against you and really never have done anything wrong.
