Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ooops...My Bad ...

I'm sorry, but I just can't let this go right yet...

The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network (right) has released a statement in which he says, "Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement."

Robertson suggested that killing a dictator may sometimes be morally justified, citing the example of a German theologian who was executed for plotting against Hitler.

So I guess that it may be morally justified for Juan Valdez, or whoever the hell this dictator is (I know...Hugo Chavez) to have Pat Robertson executed? I should certainly hope so.

This is supposed to be a "man of God". Howard Stern is banned from the airwaves for taking sexual references a little too far and yet this asswipe is allowed to vomit his hate-filled views to millions of idiot followers (I mean people) across the country, including suggesting the assassination of a political figure and blowing up state office buildings? I don't care who this dictator is. It's not about that. It's about the hypocritical hatred spewed forth from these god damn televangelists!!! They preach the bible and then support those viewers who go out and blow up abortion clinics, killing and injuring people in the process. And no one give me that "eye for an eye" shit or embryos are babies garbage. Again, it's not about what you believe in or what I believe in. It's about a man of obvious power (if he didn't have power, it wouldn't have made the headlines) and his desire to spread his hatred of others to the masses.

And people wonder why this country is slowly being ripped apart??? It's not violence on television. It's not Roe vs. Wade. It's not drugs. It's people who are too weak minded to be able to make decisions for themselves, so they base their opinions on assholes like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who's campaign to "out" a Teletubby should've clued the damn bible belt in and made them realize these idiots shouldn't be on the air to begin with!!!!

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