Tuesday, August 16, 2005

While in Texas ...

CRAWFORD, Texas (Aug. 16) - A pickup truck ran over wooden crosses erected at anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan's campsite on Monday night, in the latest sign of tension over the peace vigil outside vacationing President George W. Bush's Texas ranch.

This is just the first paragraph on the latest news coming from "Camp Casey" as it's come to be called. All she wanted to do was talk face to face with dubya. What the hell is he afraid of?

Well guess what, Georgie. It's YOUR neighbors down there who are becoming violent. It's YOUR neighbors who are firing threatening shots into the air and telling police they're practicing for the upcoming pigeon season and saying "What do you expect? It's Texas". It's YOUR neighbors who are running down the wooden crosses in the road. It's YOUR neighbors and YOUR brainless supporters who are causing the problems for one mother who simply wants to ask you why her son is dead because of your decisions.

Instead you drive by on your way to a $20,000 fund raising pig roast at yet another neighbor and you completely ignore the woman who wants to talk? A five week vacation you're taking that is going to result in fights breaking out at your front door. Why can't you do something? You try to show a tremendous set of brass ones when attacking another country and killing thousands of civilians, yet you're afraid to talk to one single woman who has lost her son defending said brass ones?

It just doesn't make sense.


Unknown said...

I have been thru Crawford. There's not much there. We had our photo taken with 'W' cardboard cut-out in a petrol station. We had to..our travelling companion insisted on it. She's Texan and loves George.
There are some Texans who dislike him....somewhere.

Chris said...

Well I'm German. It doesn't mean I insist on having pictures taken with a cardboard cut-out of Hitler... Hell, not even Siegfried and Roy! And texans who dislike bush have all "volunteered" their services and are now fighting in the streets of Bagdhad