Saturday, August 13, 2005

Ripped Apart from the Inside ...

Well, I talked about my latest frustration here the other day and my friends are going to kill me over this, but I can't let it go!!

I went to the bar last night to see if there was any further information on my friend's move to New England. By the time I had gotten there, I had convinced myself that I didn't care what he did anymore. I was still pissed off at the fact that he had deliberately toyed with my emotions when making his initial announcement that he was moving that very night and, not only did I walk in on a little party going on, but he had no intention of leaving that night.

When I got to the bar, I saw the boyfriend who said that they got to spend a few hours together yesterday afternoon to talk. He is moving to New England and he's leaving tomorrow (Sunday). He also highly suggested that I call him to try and settle things. I told the boyfriend that I was extremely mad and upset and had no intention of calling but, after a few beers and a couple of shots, I started to reconsider.

I'm mad, but I don't hate him and the days of closing doors behind me with issues being unresolved are in the past. There are certain things that need to be said. He needs to know how angry he's made me, how much I feel used. I can't just let him leave town without one last face to face meeting. I have no idea what I'm going to say, no idea what I'm going to do...but I can't just let it go.

So, after a few drinks I told the boyfriend to make sure he passed the word that I wanted a phone call today. And here it is....after five in the afternoon and still no call.

Was he told to call?

Was he going to call?

Are we going to talk?

It's tearing me apart!!!!

1 comment:

•♥•m•♥• said...

DUDE!!!! I know somewhere deep in your past someone told U that you were not worth it......and you are hell-bent on proving to this bi-polar manic that he should wake up and smell the fantastic guy who has ALWAYS been there for him.......BUT.....IT AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN! A good book for you to read is "the sociopath next door" will explain how this guy goes thru life being an energy vampire --sucking the energy and love out of anyone with a heart (U!).....move on--- Karma will be his reward...Im sorry you had to go thru all that......U obviously have a lot to offer someone!! Just not HIM! ....PEACE....