Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Name is Chris and I'm an Addict ...

I was addicted a few years ago, but I guess it just never really goes away.

I became withdrawn from my social life. I nearly lost my job due to being late (only by minutes most times, but accumulatively noticeable). Whenever I was on vacation, I would first find when and where I could score. I was getting my fix two, three, sometimes four times a day. Under the influence, my life always looked brighter and I realized things could definitely be worse. But that was the high talking.

I quit cold-turkey and, although it was tough, I thought I had finally gotten that monkey off my back for good. I had never spoken of my addiction until this writing. I was too embarrassed to let others (especially those I've hurt in the past) know of my weakness. But I must now let my voice be heard. I must fight this battle and not let it ruin my life as it had done before.

The monkey is back.

The temptation had always been there, I know. When it's all around you and so easily accessible, it takes all of your energy to turn the other cheek and not let it grab hold of you. I figured what the hell, one time won't kill you. That one time has quickly become at least three times a week now. The monkey grabs you before you have a chance to realize it's happening, and it's usually when you're at your weakest point; when you realize you're fighting a losing battle with everything in your life. The monkey grabs you and puts you into that place where you start to see things differently. You begin to realize that all of your problems aren't nearly as bad as you think. But again, it's the high that's talking and, unfortunately, the high doesn't last very long. And that's when you go searching for more and you desperately seek out your next fix.

At first I would satisfy my addiction only on my days off. Now it has become mornings when I don't have to be into work until late. I must fight this battle now, before it's too late for me. I know there are others out there in this situation and it's time to stand up and be counted. Let it be known, from your local representative right on up to the White House, that this is a growing epidemic in our society and something must be done to put an end to it. Follow my lead and let your voice be heard!

My name is Chris, and I am a Springer-holic!

I am addicted to The Jerry Springer Show!!


Sherri said...

Geesh....I was worried about you until I got to the end of the post. :)

Jerry Springer...really? ew...

Chris said...

I figured you'd be even MORE worried about me when you got to the end of the post. :)